Benidorm Weather

Benidorm Weather All Year Around

Benidorm Weather In January

Average high temperatures for Benidorm in January are around 15c and is normally the coldest month of the year.

Benidorm Weather In January by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In February

As with January we expect to see the average high temperatures around the 16c mark in Benidorm.

Benidorm Weather In February by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In March

Highs of up to 18°C are expected and around 9 hours of sunshine for Benidorm in March

Benidorm Weather In April by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In April

As we get closer to the summer season in Benidorm temperatures start climbing back up and tend to average highs around 19c for the month.

Benidorm Weather In May

May is a nice time to visit Benidorm when we see highs of up to 22°C, time to start using the sun cream.

Benidorm Weather In May by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In June

Benidorm really begins to heat up in June as we start to see highs of up to 26°C

Benidorm Weather In June by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In July

July is where we now start to see temperatures hitting in the 30c range with highs of up to 35c making July a great time to visit Benidorm

Benidorm Weather In July by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In August

August is the hottest month of the year in Benidorm and will have days reaching the 40c mark and daily temperatures reaching around 33c

Benidorm Weather In August by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In September

Benidorm begins to cool down as we get into September but still warm with highs of around 28°C

Benidorm Weather In September by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In October by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In October

October is usually the wettest month of the year in Benidorm and we see highs of around 23c

Benidorm Weather In November

At this time of year in Benidorm we see another drop in the climate with November reaching highs of up to 19°C

Benidorm Weather In November by the-benidorm-travel-guide

Benidorm Weather In December

Benidorm Weather In December by the-benidorm-travel-guide
We end the year in Benidorm with highs of 16°C but still is a nice month to visit the resort for a more quieter time of the year.

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